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The future of Healthcare – prevention

The future of Healthcare – prevention. International and Nordic perspective with insights and trends around prevention and becoming more data-driven within healthcare. Personal health and personal healthcare are priorities for both the population and the sector. The question is how to deliver on these expectations from the point of authority and in hospital management. Join three keynote-speakers […]

Koen Kas Peter Bergsten Andrew W. Proctor Marthe Iversøn Standeren

Healthcare and care through distance spanning solutions

With an ageing population and sparsely populated areas throughout the Nordic region, digitalisation and remote solutions are important prerequisites for maintaining the quality of the Nordic welfare model. The need for distance-spanning solutions for healthcare and social care will increase as regions and municipalities in the Nordic region’s sparsely populated areas often have strained economies. […]

Bengt Andersson

Fremtidens e-helseløsninger – Norske forskningsmiljøer i front

Nasjonal satsing på forskning og innovasjon bidrar til utvikling av morgendagens løsninger. Norske forskningsmiljøer er internasjonalt anerkjent og har et solid potensial for kommersialisering innen e-helse. Med støtte fra Norges Forskningsråd jobber Teknologioverføringskontorene (TTO Technology Transfer Offices) sammen for å videreutvikle forskning til samfunnsnyttige produkter og tjenester. I denne sesjonen presenteres tre spennende e-helseprosjekter med […]

Oddbjørn Hove Kari Øritsland Anna Dranovska Mari Mohn Paulsen Maja Mujic Elgsaas

Experiences in Nordic Countries with Patients’ Access to Electronic Health Records

What is the status on the implementation of Patient-Accessible Electronic Health Records? And what are the experiences from patients and health professionals so far? In this digital session we’ll hear about the national health portals and Patient-Accessible Electronic Health Records in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Estonia and the related ongoing project “Nordic eHealth for Patients […]

Maria Hägglund Monika A. Johansen Vesa Jormanainen Peeter Ross