Healthcare and care through distance spanning solutions
With an ageing population and sparsely populated areas throughout the Nordic region, digitalisation and remote solutions are important prerequisites for maintaining the quality of the Nordic welfare model. The need for distance-spanning solutions for healthcare and social care will increase as regions and municipalities in the Nordic region’s sparsely populated areas often have strained economies.
Healthcare and care through distance spanning solutions, 2018-2021 was a priority project of the Swedish Presidency Programme for the Nordic Council of Ministers 2018. The results, presented below, are all essential contributions to secure a sustainable digital shift into viable service models for healthcare or social care providers in sparesly populated areas and beyond. Service models which are robust in times of pandemic as well as efficient to adress demographic challenges connected to an ageing population.
The project was managed by the CENTRE FOR RURAL MEDICINE – REGION VÄSTERBOTTEN as the project Lead Partner with the responsibility of overall project coordination and specific activities towards the target group regions. NORDIC WELFARE CENTRE had the responsibility of specific activities towards the target group municipalities and their social service departments. The project focuses on developing the use of distance-spanning technologies by citizens in rural areas, which are scalable for use in larger regions and cities.
The result of Healthcare and care through distance spanning solutions are presented i eight blocks:
– Existing solutions
– How to implement
– Experiences from implementation
– Competence provision impact
– Climate impact & tradeoffs between SDGs
– User experiences
– How to scale up
– Contribution to regional development
The presentation will guide the participants throught the eight blocks of results. Read more on