iHAC og PROTECT – to prosjekter i Norden

Her presenterer vi to nordiske prosjekt; ett styrt av Nordens Välfärdssenter om integrert pleie og omsorg, og ett fra PROTECT om proaktiv helse og velferdsteknologi.

Moderator: Bengt Andersson, Welfare Technology at Nordic Welfare Centre

Presentation av ny publikation “Integrated Healthcare and Care through distance spanning solutions – for increased service accessibility”

Under denna presentation beskriver Bengt Andersson, seniorrådgiver i Nordens Välfärdcenter kort publikationen, Eirin Rødseth, Seniorrådgiver NSE, förklarar de komponenter som behövs finnas på plats för att lyckas med samstyring, och Kathrine Melby Holmerud, Leder for sekr. RKG e-helse Agder presenterar hur man i Agder arbetar med samstyring. 

Nordens Välfärdscenter har i projektet Integrerad vård och omsorg på distans (iHAC) lanserat en ny publikation som visar hur samverkan mellan regioner och kommuner ökar tillgänglighet till digitala tjänster genom integrerad vård och omsorg. Fem olika nordiska regioner presenteras i denna nya publikation som alla tillhandahåller integrerade vård- och omsorgstjänster genom nära samverkan. RKG e-helse – Agder är det norska case som presenteras i publikationen och ett teoretiskt ramverk om samverkan och styrning genom ekosystem beskrivs av Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning (NSE).

Språk: Skandinavisk


Proactive health and welfare technology for Nordic users and societies: project results and future research needs

v/Helinä Melkas, professor, Lappeenranta-Lahti university of technology & Christine Gustafsson, Mälardalen University and Sophiahemmet University, Sweden

The presentation will introduce the results of the joint Nordic PROTECT project (“Proactive health and welfare technology for Nordic users and societies”, 2021-2022) and discuss them with a future-oriented perspective.

The PROTECT project and its Nordic workshop series synthesize and advance Nordic research-based knowledge of proactive health and welfare technology (HWT) with a user and societal perspective at three levels: (1) end-users, notably older clients/patients and people with disabilities and their informal caregivers; (2) implementation; the perspective of professional caregivers, and (3) the societal level.

The new knowledge co-created in PROTECT contributes to understanding the specific contexts and life situations where proactive HWT is expected to be increasingly applied in the Nordic countries.

PROTECT has brought together a large group of Nordic researchers from several fields essentially related to proactive HWT, creating a unique platform for developing novel frameworks and long-term research collaboration.

Broad collaboration with stakeholders from the three levels and supporting early-career researchers are key issues for PROTECT.

Språk: engelsk