Road Map for Cancer Control
– Get insight from European experiences on next generation approaches on genomics and innovative therapies.
We are delighted to invite you to this exciting webinar, where we explore some of Europe’s most future oriented and progressive experiences on key areas within modern cancer control and care, such as genomics and new and innovative therapies.
The webinar takes place Friday 28th of May at 10:00-12:00 CET.
The fight against cancer can not be won unless we all join forces – and this is the background for the ambitious European partnership iPAAC, that aims to develop a roadmap on implementation of innovative actions to cancer control.
In this webinar, we go in depth on two of the work packages of the partnership, and we will hear from some of the leading environments in the fields of genomics and innovative therapies.
The webinar is free and open for everyone with an interest in modern cancer control and care.
Please register here if you want to attend:
The first part of the webinar will be in English, where we welcome international and national participants and audience.
Towards the end of the webinar, we will discuss the Norwegian approaches to modern cancer control and care. Our international viewers are still welcome to join, but this part will be held in Norwegian.
The webinar is arranged by Norway’s largest e-health conference, EHIN, in cooperation with the Cancer Registry of Norway, a partner in The Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer Joint Action (iPAAC JA)
10:00 – Welcome, and introduction – Nard Schreurs, Mari Nygård, Elisabeth Jakobsen
10:06 – Why we need a European Road Map – iPAAC and its importance for implementation of new cancer care strategies – Prof. Tit Albrecht, National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia, leader of iPAAC JA
10:20 – Genomics – opportunities and obstacles – how to apply genomics in cancer diagnostics – experiences from Europe, and the Belgian discussion on whether citizen’s genome should be an individual property or a public good – Dr. Marc Van Den Bulcke, Scientific Institute of Public Health, Belgium
10:40 – Innovative therapies in cancer – How available is the new generation of cancer treatment for patients across European countries? And what systems are crucial for monitoring of the effectiveness? Marianne Duperray, French National Cancer Institute
11:00 – Innovative methods in Cancer Screening – how Norway explores AI and uses the world’s most powerful computer power to predict who has the largest risk of cervical cancer – Dr. Mari Nygård, Cancer Registry of Norway
11:15 – Summary, thank you to participants and intro to Part 2 – Elisabeth Jakobsen
PART 2 (in Norwegian)
11:20 – Panel debate on Norwegian approaches to modern cancer control, therapies and care
- Åslaug Helland, Oslo University Hospital
- Ole Alexander Opdalshei, Norwegian Cancer Society
- Tuva Moflag, Arbeiderpartiet
- Erlend Larsen, Høyre
- Ishita Barua, The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board
- Ishita har også vært med i EHiNpodden! Episoden kan du også høre på Spotify og iTunes.
11:45 – Summary and closure