Call for Speakers
Call for Speakers
We at EHiN are happy to receive suggestions for speakers, topics, projects or technologies. In fact, the program is an arena for everyone that has something to say about health digitalization.
If you send in a suggestion, the program committee will consider it thoroughly. Occasionally it might take a long time before we can find a spot for your suggestion in the program. You will however get a first response from us within the first part of August.
EHiN has an extensive program. We wish for both local and small projects and national and long term strategies to blend into the program. We usually recommend dialogs or debates to show off multiple views.
Suggestions from the business community are very welcome. We want the IT-industry to explain what possibilities exist within the technology of today and the future. Pure commercial suggestions will not be considered.
The deadline to send in suggestions was the 20th of June. Suggestions that are sent in afterwards will be considered, but it might be difficult to find room for it in the program.