EHDS – how do Norway and Finland prepare?

In spring 2024, a political agreement on the proposal for a European Health Data Space (EHDS) was
reached among the EU institutions. The official signature and publication in the Official Journal of
the EU is expected to be made in February 2025. The EHDS will

  • Empower individuals to take control of their health data and facilitate the exchange of data for the delivery of healthcare across
    the EU
  • Foster a genuine single market for electronic health record systems
  • Provide a consistent, trustworthy and efficient system for reusing health data for research, innovation, policy-making and regulatory activities

The Nordic countries are among the frontrunners in digital health in Europe. With higher ambitions
and regulatory initiatives coming from the EU, combining the Nordic efforts within a European
context have become increasingly important. Both Norway and Finland takes an active part in the
Nordic Council of Ministers eHealth group, including the subgroup Nordic Standardization group.

How do the Nordic countries prepare for the EHDS, and how does Norway and Finland specifically
assess the impacts of the EHDS and what are the main challenges and opportunities.

What efforts can be made on a Nordic level – can we find common Nordic denominators?

Short introduction:

  • Motivation behind EHDS
  • EHDS main content and timeline

Presentation per country

  • What efforts are currently being made in preparation of the EHDS
  • What are the main impact assessments of the regulation?
  • What national strategic choices have to be made?

Short panel discussion

  • What efforts can be made on a Nordic level


  • Kristian Skauli, Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care services
  • Marianne Bårtvedt van Os, Norwegian Directorate of Health
  • Georg Fredrik Ranhoff, Norway, Norwegian Directorate of Health
  • Sari Palojoki, Ministry of Social affairs and Health in Finland
  • Riikka Vuokko, , Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in Finland

Moderator: Malin Söderlund, Tietoevry Care