The potential of OpenEHR
Analyzing the potential of optimising resource utilisation and data-driven decisions.
Moderator: Jan Egil Nordvik, prosjektleder, Direktoratet for e-helse
The past, present and future of data, its emergence as a strategic asset and the role of OpenEHR
v/Rachel Dunscombe, Digital Futures, Academic, Government Policy Advisor
During this session we will outline the history of information systems over the last 30 years and what we have learnt that takes us forward. The discussion will explore the essential foundations of data as a capital asset and how this drives concrete benefits in areas such as new models of care, the future hospital and improved outcomes. The debate will outline the need for an increased awareness of the power of data in the machine-readable age. The participants will look at emerging policies to support healthcare data assets and the wider economic case for strategic well-engineered data assets.
Catalonia openEHR and Integrated Care Strategy
v/Jordi Piera, Director of the Digital Health Strategy Office at Catalan Health Service
The potential of openEHR and how does it change healthcare
v/Tomaž Gornik, Co-chair of openEHR International
What are the trends in healthcare IT and what role does the power of data play in the digital healthcare landscape? What benefits does the openEHR standard and a modular ecosystem based on open data bring? Why is data more important than applications? All these questions will be answered by Tomaž Gornik in presenting the concrete use-cases and real-world deployments, as well as implementations at the level of hospitals, regions, and countries.