Toini Harra

Toini Harra er hovedforeleser ved Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, det største universitetet for anvendt vitenskap i Finland. Hun har doktorgrad i samfunnsvitenskap i tillegg til å være utdannet ergoterapeut. Hun har en stor interesse for komplekse utfordringer som befolkningens aldring, trivsel og digitalisering.
Gjennom sin forskning ønsker hun å bidra til at innbyggerne får leve gode og meningsfulle liv. Harra fremmer derfor tverrfaglig utvikling og deltakende forskning av innovative løsninger sammen med innbyggere, studenter, forskere og fagpersoner, så vel som kommuner.
Toini Harra is a principal lecturer in Occupational Therapy at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, the largest university of applied sciences in Finland. She has a doctorate in social science in addition to being licentiate in Philosophy. She has a great interest in complex issues such as population ageing, well-being and digitalisation.
Through her research, she wants to contribute to the citizens being able to live good and meaningful lives. Harra therefore promotes transdisciplinary development and participatory research of innovative solutions together with citizens, students, researchers and professionals, as well as municipalities.
Besides of many international higher education development projects she has been designing and conducting innovative and co-creative development projects to support companies to develop more user-friendly digital solutions for the housing of aging with end-users.