AI in Action: Experiences Transforming Care and Tackling Today’s Healthcare Challenges
Epic and HP will showcase how AI is directly embedded in the Epic journal system to provide seamless access to time-saving tools without additional add-ons. Additionally, they will highlight experiences and lessons learned from other European pioneering hospitals who embraced AI as a way to tackle current challenges facing Healthcare. They’ll also outline practical steps you can take now to prepare for AI adoption in Norway and the current plans for AI adoption in Helseplattformen.
TBA tittel
v/John Rozier, EPIC
TBA tittel
v/Nina Anita Kongshaug, Helseplattformen
TBA tittel
v/Martijn Antonius, EPIC
Moderator: Roymond Johnsen, Helseplattformen
Denne sesjonen er i samarbeid med EPIC