Driving digital health policy for sustainable health systems

One pillar of re-building fair, resilient and sustainable health systems is to systematic and future proofed digital health policy.

OECD Digital Health Policy Maturity Model is a tool intended to improve digital health policies. It will be presented by Eric Sutherland, OECD, as a tool for the Nordics to develop and scale wider in the world followed by a panel discussion on how the tool can be used in the context of EHDS and with the Nordic countries as European frontrunners.

TBA tittel
v/Eric Sutherland, leading the OECD’s work in Digital Health

TBA tittel
v/Nima Jokilaakso, Business Finland

TBA tittel
v/Margus Arm, TEHIK

Moderator: Malin Söderlund, Tietoevry Care