Metadata, HL7 FHIR and openEHR
Interoperability is an important condition for exchange of health data. How can we make this happen? Here are some ways to how we can work with this.
OpenEHR – a model for the future?
Jordi Pereira, Digital Health Strategy for Catalonia
Jordi works for the Catalan Health Service where he is currently leading the Digital Health Strategy Office and the development of a new Electronic Health Record which will be built around the paradigm of open platforms and standards.
HL7 FHIR and the format
Giorgio Cangioli, Board member HL7 Europe
HL7 FHIR as a driver in the exchange of healthcare data.
Health-related metadata, build metamodel, that is semantically interoperable
Scharlett Hansson, Estonian Health and Welfare Information Systems Center
About metadata, cataloguing, interoperability (semantic and technical).
Moderator: Line A. Sæle, Folkehelseinstituttet