Meet the Scale-ups of Norway
Welcome to this session where we’ll hear from some of Norway’s aspiring e-health scale-ups. Over the next 45 minutes, each company will showcase their innovative solutions, aimed at transforming healthcare through technology. As we navigate through these presentations, you’ll see how these fast-growing companies are addressing critical challenges in areas like patient care, medical data, and digital health services. This is a great opportunity to discover how Norwegian e-health scale-ups are shaping the future of healthcare both locally and globally. And best of all, you can go right down the hallway to chat with them yourself!
- Torbjørn Langeland, chief executive officer, Motitech – Road Worlds for Seniors – how to eliminate inactivity among seniors.
- Øystein Landgraff, CEO/daglig leder, VilMer – Activity as a service – how we can solve the resource squeeze and create active and meaningful lives for our elderly
- Per Even Bjerketvedt, daglig leder, Care it – Skybasert EPJ nå også på vei til landets kommuner!
- NyBy
- Jens O.Gran, COB/CFO, MedStorm Innovation – Pain Sensor – Home Care for palliative patients
- Ishita Barua, co-founder & chief medical officer, Livv Health
- Hermine Bonde Jahren, Founder and CEO, Braive – Building healthy minds. How Braive is Using AI to Meet Modern Mental Health Challenges.
Moderator: Tone Varslot Stave