

What is Dedalus?

Dedalus is a specialised European Health and social care software company with clients from all over the world. Working across the whole continuum of care, Dedalus helps healthcare organisations to deliver new models of care.

We have more than 40 years of experience in delivering healthcare software and services to over 6,600 healthcare organisations.

Our offering to the Norwegian market

We offer complete enterprise scheduling platforms for healthcare – schedule complex care pathways whilst enabling self-service for patients.

We accelerates the medical laboratory digital transformation, enabling optimal, interdisciplinary stakeholders decisions across the continuum of care to improve each citizen’s health outcomes.

We can help unlock insights in your consolidated patient care data, through a comprehensive end-to-end approach.


Our session at EHIN: The potential of OpenEHR

Date & Time: 8. november 14:45 – 15:45

Location: X-box


You are hereby invited to the official

International reception at EHiN 2022

🎵 Surprise performance at reception host 🎵

At this reception we will gather all international stakeholders and local key players for a good time and a talk about interesting international use cases from around the world.

the reception this year is sponsored by Dedalus and they have provided space and aperitif in their booth area.


Join the international reception before the dinner on the 8th of November 5 pm – 7 pm for drinks and mingle in the

Dedalus booth, Hall 2, as a part of the EHiN reception.



We are with you through the entire healthcare eco-system



The Language of Healthcare – The role of clinicians

In this interesting episode Will Smart, Global Director of External Relations, Dedalus Group speaks to two digital leaders on their reflections on the role clinicians play in driving this agenda forward.