Nordic perspective

Look to the Nordics, the most integrated health region by 2030!

How can the Nordics can be a frontrunner in health data sharing and involvement of patients?

The Nordic Welfare Model is not sustainable. There is a need for a fundamental shift from sick care to preventive health to ensure the longevity of our healthcare systems and improved quality of life. Technology, involvement of the citizens and a more holistic approach to sharing of data will be some of the main drivers in this transformation.

These were some of the conclusions of the NordicHealth2030Report from 2019. So how are we doing? What does the citizen say? And health professionals? And what is next?

EHiN wants to connect and activate people across the Nordics to work together towards sustainable solutions and inclusive partnerships.

This session is the start of the Nordic perspective at EHiN 2022.

Moderator: Anders Tunold-Hanssen, Prosjektleder, Nordic Interoperability Project

What do the doctors say? – The impact of health professionals on digital health

v/Nasim Bergman Farrokhnia, Senior lecturer, Karolinska Institute

Bogi Eliassen, Copenhagen Institute of Future Studies/CIFS

v/Bogi Eliasen, Director of health, Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies

Based on the vision of the Nordic Council of Ministers of creating the most integrated health region by 2030, CIFS led a scenario process in 2019 resulting in the NordicHealth2030Report.

What do the Nordic citizens say? – The essence of NordicEhealth Barometer 2022.

v/Martin Stubban, Nordic E-Health Barometer

Opinion has conducted a Nordic study that measures the population’s awareness and usage of digital health services, representative of all 5 countries. Some of the findings from the  Nordic E-Health Barometer will be presented at EHiN 2022.

What does Nordic Council of Ministers say?

v/Hákon Gunnarsson, Ministry of Health – Project Manager

Iceland has the chairmanship in the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2023. Hákon is responsible for the implementation on behalf of the Ministry of Health.