European Health Data Space and better use of health data

Sesjon om datadeling i helse / Session about sharing health data.

The European Health Data Space is scheduled for implementation in 2025. EHDS aims to facilitate sharing health data across Europe, both for primary and secondary use. It is ambitious both in terms of scope and time frame, and we need to be ready when it take effect. In this session we will discuss what EHDS is, what it means for data sharing in Norway and Europe, and how we can get ready. We will hear from both the European perspective, the Norwegian government’s perspective and from industry.

Moderator: Stein Olav Skrøvseth, Senterleder, Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskning

The future of health data sharing (is here)

v/Einar Martin Aandahl, CEO, Ledidi

The European Health Data Space presents grand ambitions for better secondary use and collaboration around health data. To accomplish such goals, we depend on technology to enable safe data sharing, protecting patients’ rights to privacy and confidentiality. In this session, we take a closer look at the emerging technologies that will help us move safely towards insights and knowledge generated from clinical data. These technologies include confidential computing, privacy-enhancing technologies and multiparty computation, and together, they will be central in building the next-generation health research environments

We need to use and share health data better, nationally and internationally

v/Tapani Piha, senior adviser, Sitra

COVID-19 underlined the urgency of improving its cross-border use: COVID certificates and research data must travel fast. In 2020, led by the German Presidency, the EU countries asked the European Commission to suggest action. The Commission responded last May by making a proposal for a regulation setting up the European Health Data Space (EHDS). The Regulation is the most important general piece of health legislation in the EU since the Directive on patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare in 2011. While the political discussions by the EU lawmakers are underway, the EU-funded preparatory work has started, including the Joint Action TEHDAS, the EHDS2-Pilot, and the Genomic Data Infrastructure.

Bedre helse- og omsorgstjenester med nytt europeisk regelverk

v/Sverre Engelschiøn, fagdirektør i Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet

Forslaget til forordning er et stort og viktig skritt for å sikre en bedre europeisk og norsk helse- og omsorgstjeneste. En forordning i tråd med forslaget vil være en pådriver for gjennomføring av nasjonale tiltak, både for primærbruk og sekundærbruk. Bruk av internasjonale standarder, terminologi og kodeverk vil gi bedre rammer for sikker og effektiv digital samhandling. Entydige krav og struktur vil også resultere i tilgang til større mengde data til analyse og forskning. Ved bruk av felles standarder vil utviklere og leverandører av pasientjournalsystemer få enklere tilgang til det europeiske markedet, noe som kan fremme norsk innovasjon.»