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Nordic Health 2030 – Pioneering Tomorrow’s Health: Preventive, Personalised, Participatory

The Nordic Health 2030 initiative embodies a commitment to a reimagining of the Nordic healthcare system, steering it away from mainly treating illness, towards prevention, personalisation and participation. In several sessions, EHiN 2024 opens to learn and discuss the visions in the Nordic Health 2030. The Nordic Health 2030 initiative is a call to action, […]

Mette Maria Skjøth Unni Kvisvik Nasim Bergman Farrokhnia Bjørnar Alexander Andreassen  Bogi Eliasen

Driving digital health policy for sustainable health systems

This session will explore the intersection of the OECD Digital Health Policy Maturity Model, the European Health Data Space (EHDS), and the Nordic data landscape, focusing on Nordic leadership in digital health innovation.

Eric Sutherland Nima Jokilaakso Margus Arm Line A. Sæle Malin Söderlund

Nordic Health 2030 in Europe

The Nordic Health 2030, established as a collaborative movement in 2019 made up of ambitious Nordic health stakeholders, strives to realise a future that delivers excellent health outcomes for all, no matter their gender, background or location, and champion the “Nordic way” as a new future-proof way of delivering healthcare. The Nordics are uniquely placed […]

Soffía Bæringsdóttir Clayton Hamilton Daniel Forslund Bogi Eliasen

Welfare and wellbeing Economy

The Nordic countries are globally famous for the Nordic Welfare model. Due to different reasons our welfare model and with that population health is being pressured and our sociatal solidarity eroding. What is the role of the different actors to rebuild and strengthen the Nordic Welfare model and is Welbeing Economy the needed driver? In […]

Nina Linn Ulstein Helle Sörensen Bengt Andersson Lars Münter Bogi Eliasen

Innovasjon i lokale helsetjenester

Tre eksempler på kreative løsninger for å forbedre og effektivisere helsetjenestene. Kommunene må innovere for å møte økende behov, og ønsker å ta i bruk teknologi som digital triagering og digital dialog med pasienter. Samtidig står de overfor regulatoriske, praktiske og politiske utfordringer. Sesjonen fokuserer på hvordan digitalisering og samarbeid på tvers av kommuner og […]

Solrunn Hårstad Arne Bangstad Ole Kristian Forstrønen Thu Hans Jacob Moe