Johan Folkunger

Johan Folkunger is the CEO of DNV Imatis. Before joining DNV Imatis in January 2023, Johan was the CEO of the Swedish publicly traded company SpectraCure, developing a treatment modality for recurring prostate cancer. Prior to SpectraCure, Johan was the Executive Vice President of the Swedish publicly traded investment company MedCap, where he oversaw and managed the medtech branch of MedCap. Johan also spent 8 years with Philips, amongst other things as Country Manager for the Health Systems business and CEO of Philips as a whole in Sweden.
In addition to his position as CEO of DNV Imatis, Johan holds two board positions. As Chairman of the board of Directors of the Cardiolex group specialized in digital enterprise ECG solutions, and as member of the board of Directors of the Norwegian company Medu. Johan holds a Master of Science in finance and administration from Uppsala University (Sweden) and BI – Norwegian school of Management (Norway).